Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Trust and responsibility
In accordance with the mission of our company, we have introduced a policy of Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition to the economic and quality aspects of project implementation, we also put emphasis on social, ethical and ecological aspects. We believe that responsible business is creating a transparent relationship with employees, customers, suppliers, partners, the local community, media and administration .
In our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, we focus primarily on:
- using transparent business practices based on respect for the community, environment and employees
- a sense of responsibility for the employee, consumer, investor, society and the environment
- care for the natural and social environment
- compliance with the policy of equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace.
The company community is built on a partnership basis. We focus on the personal development of employees and their satisfaction.
At every stage, we try to build trust in our company. We always make efforts for the quality of our solutions to be outstanding. We treat each client with respect and we try to help solve the problem optimally, both in terms of economy and effectiveness.
We are also involved in the life of the local community and make long-term social investments through subsidies for cultural and sporting events.
We believe that high standards of social responsibility can have a positive impact on business relationships. We focus on economic responsibility, fair competition, care for the natural environment, tolerance and respect for human rights.
Our policy on Corporate Social Responsibility is based on the guidelines of the international standard ISO 26000.